The Fault in Our Stars

313 pages

English language

Published July 4, 2014

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5 stars (4 reviews)

The Fault in Our Stars is a novel by John Green. It is his fourth solo novel, and sixth novel overall. It was published on January 10, 2012. The title is inspired by Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, in which the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings." The story is narrated by Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old girl with thyroid cancer that has affected her lungs. Hazel is forced by her parents to attend a support group where she subsequently meets and falls in love with 17-year-old Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. An American feature film adaptation of the same name as novel directed by Josh Boone and starring Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, and Nat Wolff was released on June 6, 2014. A Hindi feature film adaptation of …

31 editions

Tolto il romanticismo, rimane uno scontro esistenziale

4 stars

Non ho letto Young Adult fino alla veneranda età di 25 anni. Prima, dopo un tentativo fallito con Twilight (lasciato a metà, a oggi l'unico romanzo mai finito), li trovavo stupidi. Crescendo ho capito che a volte non bisogna guardare alla superficie, che è quella che fa vendere ("due ragazzini con il cancro si innamorano!"), ma sotto. In questo libro, sono ritratti alla perfezione due modi diversi di affrontare la morte: Hazel da un lato è rassegnata all'oblio, vede la sofferenza di chi la circonda e vuole andare via facendo il meno rumore possibile ed evitando i danni collaterali, tanto da isolarsi dalla maggior parte delle sue vecchie conoscenze e da diventare vegetariana. Si autodefinisce una granata e spera che tutto finisca il prima possibile e il meno dolorosamente possibile. Dall'altro lato del ring, troviamo Augustus (detto Gus), che invece aspira ad essere ricordato e vorrebbe morire di una morte …

A reverse Romeo and Juliet that asks the biggest questions, and proposes some pretty good answers

5 stars's The Fault in our Stars is the story of a 16 year old girl, Hazel, riddled with terminal cancer. The novel opens with her multiple awful treatments, dependency on an oxygen tank she must take everywhere and use even while sleeping, her depression, sarcasm, loneliness.

She meets a boy at a support group, Augustus, who's lost a leg to cancer but is now cancer free. Amid shared irony, and angst, they fall slowly, then suddenly, in love, and depart on an adventure to track down the mysterious author of her favourite novel.

Any book about terminally ill children is sure to be unbearably sad, but Green's writing is so compelling that this novel will surely wring a tear from even the hardest hearted eye. (Green explicitly wants to reject the tropes of the cancer-kid genre. I'm not widely read enough to judge whether he succeeds.)

Fault in Our …

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5 stars


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