Shirley Jackson: The haunting of Hill House (2011, Chivers) 4 stars

Alone in the world, Eleanor is delighted to take up Dr Montague's invitation to spend …


3 stars

Quite possibly, I'm being unfair to this book just because I liked We Have Always Lived in the Castle so much, that anything was bound to fall short after that. The Haunting of Hill House is a well-executed horror story (yeah, I know, milestone in the genre, bla bla), thoroughly classic, and perhaps that's why I didn't find as memorable

The premise is that four strangers spend a week in a haunted house, determined to find out what is going on. The start is quite slow-paced, and when, finally, mysterious, creepy things begin to happen, they go hand in hand with the unraveling of human relations, and/or the lucidity of the protagonist (is for the reader to figure out which one of the two)