Annie Proulx: The Shipping News (1994) 4 stars

Made me wish for the snow in the Jerusalem summer

4 stars

I had tried reading The Shipping News once before and gave up - largely because I found it difficult to understand. I suspect that if I had a go at it a third time, I would give it five stars. I was past half of the book when I started to get used to the Newfoundland's language, inflection, and images. I still had to skim over maritime terms and entire sentences, and just give in to the story and the rhythm of Proulx's writing. In other words, even if I did not understand it, I could tell it was beautiful. Luckily, I did understand enough to follow the story, be charmed by it. Her characters are wonders, so imperfect and damaged and funny and brave and poetic. Needless to say, I'm a big fan of aunt Agnis. When I finished the last pages, in the heat of Jerusalem's summer, I found myself longing for a cup of steaming tea, with milk, and the sight of snow. I imagine this is a book you'll love or hate. If you are looking for something quick-paces and easy to read, pick something else. But if you can be patient, there is something magic about this book.